The 1st Quartlerly Network Report is out now

Edited on 09/05/2024

Empowering C4TALENT Cities: Quarterly Insights into Combatting Brain Drain

Our Quarterly Network Report (QNR) offers insights into addressing the brain drain phenomenon in C4TALENT's ten small- and medium-sized cities by fostering entrepreneurial ecosystems. It serves as a regular bulletin highlighting the progress of the network and its partner cities in addressing this common policy challenge through a participative approach. 

The report aims to share methods, tools, experiments, challenges, failures, and successes encountered by the partners, who believe that smaller towns provide optimal conditions for a fulfilling life and work, offering a more compact and livable environment compared to larger metropolises.

Read more on the journey we've began!

Submitted by Zoltán Szenes on 09/05/2024
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Zoltán Szenes

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