Gender Responsive Public Procurement Case Studies 4/4

The last part of URBACT Online Course on Gender Responsive Public Procurement explores places where gender responsive procurement is being effectively implemented.


Learning from Vienna


The City of Vienna in Austria is a pioneer for gender mainstreaming. The City has one of the longest legacies of gender-sensitive planning: the Women's Office opened in 1992, the City has had a binding commitment to gender mainstreaming since 2000, and gender budgeting has been embedded in their Constitution since 2006.



In this video, the Head of Gender Mainstreaming Section, in the Chief Executive Office, and the Deputy Head of the Department for Women’s Affairs, explain how the City is effectively implementing gender responsive public procurement. They insist on 6 key success factors:

  1. Creating a collaborative working group
  2. Offering regular training and developing a gender checklist
  3. Offering accompanying measures for entrepreneurs and potential bidders
  4. Spreading information that proves that advancement of women pays off
  5. Involving legal experts
  6. Getting political and senior management support


Learning from the Basque Country


In 1999, gender equality was first incorporated into regional law in the Basque Country. Emakunde, the Basque Institute for Women, has worked alongside the Association of Basque Municipalities (EUDEL) to incorporate gender considerations into public policies and procedures, including into procurement. In this video, Emakunde's Head of Institutional Cooperation explain key success factors.




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Embedding Gender Equality into Public Procurement